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  • Writer's pictureTracy Stauffer

40 and Fabulous… Food!

Birthday to Remember….

Much to my protest, I turned 40 last month. Rather than go into details about what a truly terrible birthday it was, complete with a quarantine, I would rather focus on my dinner gift from the Viking.

After a lot of research, I chose <redacted> for my birthday dinner. I wanted something spectacular, something fabulous to go along with how fabulous I made 40 look. Seriously – I looked amazing!

Off to <redacted> in downtown Lancaster City, PA – 2 weeks after my actual birthday – thanks covid.

Located in a charming inner block of downtown Lancaster with plenty of off-street fee parking, well lit brick sidewalks, and a buzz from nearby restaurants from people enjoying the lovely evening air.

Entering feels like something grand. Royal blue carpeted stairs on a slight curve as you descend onto the sounds of live piano music, intoxicating smells, and wall to wall portraits of timeless Hollywood stars. Joan Collins, Judy Garland, Marylin Monroe, Frank Sintara and Rita Hayworth were our dinner companions for the evening, along with a couple celebrating an anniversary, and probably the world’s most bougie child, also celebrating her birthday.

The hostess greeted us with a genuine happy birthday greeting, and showed us to our table: located on the “stage” with the live piano, against a wall of tufted royal blue crushed velvet and a white linen tableclothed setting. We opened the menu, and wow…. what a lovely touch – My name and birthday wishes were printed in our menu!



Foie Gras Torchon – Vidalia onion purée, Cherokee peach foam, toasted hazelnut pieces, micro celery, crispy bread – $19

Is there anything more decadent in this world than Foie Gras? No, the answer is no. Nothing is more deliciously sinful to eat (except maybe Ortolan, but I do believe that is illegal). Now I know this would not have been the Viking’s first choice – I had introduced him to foie a year ago, and he enjoyed it, but I could tell he didn’t see what the big deal was. This changed everything. This was, hands down, the creamiest, most buttery, light yet rich delectable bite of food I have ever had the pleasure…. and I do mean pleasure… of eating. Holy shit. This is why people force feed geese until their livers’ have a higher fat content than butter… so this single bite, mixed perfectly well with the crisp bread, foam and puree exists. I could have ended the meal right there – it was that good. Needless to say, this converted the Viking into a true foie gras believer.

Citrus Caesar – romaine, citrus Caesar dressing, white anchovies, brioche croutons – $11

OMG, don’t shoot me – yes, I ordered a Caesar. It is so rare that you find a perfectly made Caesar, complete with anchovies. It is a guilty please of mine, and this did not disappoint. It was not drowning in dressing and parmesan like the typical Caesar – it was light and delightfully salty thanks to my anchovy friends on top. I stand by my decision.

Soup Du Jour – some short rib … thing… Please forgive the lack of description and equally horrible photo – I am ashamed of both because this soup was banging! I mean, put short ribs in anything, and you have a home run – mix it with a deep, rich broth that managed to be flavorful without being too salty, perfectly cooked short ribs and whatever else was in it, and you get this bowl of happiness. The Viking was generous enough to give me a bite, and it was one of those eyes wide open, appetizer jealous moments. I almost regretted getting my Caesar over this… almost.


Duck Breast – honey blackberry citrus glaze, fried sage, duck jus, potato purée – $32

Looking at this photo and reviewing my notes, I am still almost speechless. This was not only the best piece of duck I have ever had, it was the best piece of meat I have ever had in my life. The skin was cross hatched so it turned out so perfectly crispy…. the meat was perfectly medium rare… it was tender, juicy, ducky… is there a word greater than perfect? My vocabulary is simply not extensive enough to properly describe this heavenly duck breast.

Everything else on the plate was lovely as well. The honey blackberry citrus glaze was a perfect compliment to the fluffy and light potato puree, as well as the duck, and even the squash blossom on top was absolutely delicious. It is with 0 amount of shame that I ran my fingers over the empty plate to make sure I devoured ever last morsel.

Rabbit Loin Roulade – spec, carrots, mushrooms, juniper berry demi – $38

I had never had rabbit before, and was excited to try it – so the very sweet Viking ordered it so we could share entrees. Rabbit is good! Since this was wrapped around spec (smoked pork belly) it took on a smoky flavor. I have no basis for comparison, but in my limited opinion, rabbit should only be served smoked! It was such a lovely flavor and mixed perfectly with the unique texture of rabbit. The carrots may have been a hare (see what I did there?) overcooked, but I think that comes down to difference of opinion.

Chocolate Decadence – flourless cake, 64% chocolate crémeux, cacao nibs – $12

Of course they put a candle in it! Thankfully the server could sense my hatred of turning 40, and decided NOT to have the piano performer play Happy Birthday to me – wise choice. This was so fucking good. You would have thought it would be dense, but it was soooo delicious and almost refreshing after such a lovely meal. Perfectly creamy, and the raspberry garnishes brightened up the chocolate in delicious balance.

Praline Chocolate Rocher – dark chocolate mousse, caramelized pecan – $12

Squeeeeeee!!!! This was sooo good too! According to the Viking, the candied pecans were perfection, and the mousse was literally the very definition of mousse. Again, how they make something decadent and light at the same time is beyond me, but I could have licked that caramel right off the plate had the Viking not beat me to it.

In conclusion – Meals like this make me want to believe in a benevolent god. Food like this can, and should be a religion.

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